I shall start with the scaling of Lion's Head. This mountain is perched on the Atlantic, dividing several suburbs of Cape Town. It rises steeply into the clouds that pour over the mountain like dry ice. The rock of this mountain is some of the oldest in the world-- this piece of land has been around, unmoved for a very long time. The rocks at the top were spotted like cows sort of, lichens had died and dried on these rocks, giving them a speckled look that I had never seen before. Lion's head was a strenuous hike near the top, lots of navigation underfoot, chains to scale a vertical face at one point, and some bouldering. The pictures are: a view of Camp's Bay and beyond

+ the Atlantic, looking back at Table Mountain,
Kaja (Norwegian friend!) myself and Mary Kate (Bostonian!) and me at the top of the mountain, which was socked in with fog.
Next: The rugby game. It is indeed like a religion here-- from the facepaint, to the flags and the braais (bbq) and the beer something about this rough and tumble sport really resounds in the hearts of SAfricans. We were at field level!

The hope is for this fine machine to last five months without mechanical failure or theft!!

And finally, your African moment of Zen. This is a sunset from my balcony looking out at a ridge with a pleasing Sarenghetti esq. treeline. Savor, sip and enjoy!

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