Thursday, October 15, 2009

Me gusta reggae, me gusta punk rock

A day off of the school grind to play in the waves-- not a bad idea. With exams drawing near, final projects underway, more grey days than springy ones I thought it would be acceptable to hit the beach and leave the books. Surf was small but so excellent for the soul, I enjoy the coasting down the face of wave, touching its glassy features with my extended fingers. Niceee.

What else in Cape Town? A handful of good friends make life here a treat. Surprisingly I feel as though I fit in around campus after just three months of school. I know the ropes well enough, where to get the cheap coffee, which bathrooms generally have no toilet paper, where to find elusive marine minded professors, even certain stairwells that have water heater compartments that are not locked, making for the perfect hiding place before terrifying a passerby. I suppose the weirdo African things I used to find so foreign have lost their alien sheen, overall rendering the surroundings familiar and warm.

Last weekend boasted a delightful festival called Rocking the Daisies. I got the full experience. The venue was up the west coast at a wine estate with lush grass, a reservoir for overheated dancing revelers, hippie vibes and musical fantasia.
Raging all night, watching the most beautiful pink and blue sunset, the boerwvorst rolls, the aging hippies still alongside the neo-eco-hippies, body paint and flowers, and perhaps oddly enough, a concert experience only myself and my two girlfriends had: an awesome game of tag with kids we found in an adjacent field. There is a picture below, the kids were so wonderful, and such a random surprise.
Alas, I must go because I must ready myself for my official scuba certification knighting! I shall receive my official 'scuba stina' card and all the other bells and whistles.
Photos: Rocking the Daisies (left) Field Kids (right)

This photo deserves some explanation. This is Muizenberg, a place where I frequently surf. The reason for this mass amount of surfers is that on this Sunday they were trying to break the world record for most people on a wave at one time. We saw the crew succeed, a joyous and stoked moment indeed.
Scuba lady.

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